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Kill the Dragons

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The russich Orthodox Church of Saint Simeon by the beautiful mountains to Dresden. Source: wikimedia commons.

The church seems to have fallen out how time and space, an island bordered by trees. All around nothing but prefabricated. The Russian Orthodox Church of Saint Simeon of the marvelous mountains to Dresden is lonely and charming with its five sky blue, shiny domes that Christ and the four evangelists symbolize the onion domes of gold crosses topped that seem to rest on a golden crescent moon and four Gold chains held.

The round towers are repeated in the teardrop-shaped gables, the Kokoschniki. I enter the church: A pleasant dark brings the gold of the life-size icons that separate the church of the Most Holy, to illuminate. I prefer a warm air of beeswax candles. The Holy Michael has particularly impressed me: With powerful dark wings and a sword firmly in his right hand he stands there like a promise: collection tires - the decisive moment with the dragon of lies, confusion, chaos. I feel he-builds.

The icons painted by the Englishman James Marshall in 1872 by the German architect v. Bosse established church, built in the German Church in St. Petersburg. Rachmaninov, Turgenev, Bakunin they visited Dostojewksi baptized his daughter here.

In the firestorm on February 1945, the area surrounding the church was turned into a wasteland of ruins, only the church survived the apocalypse, along with 200 people who had taken refuge there. A truly special place!