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Syria: Is there a "secret additional protocol" between Russia and the US?

Saturday 09 March 2013

The Arab League asked its members recently released to provide military aid to the Syrian rebels. In principle, therefore, now an open declaration of war against Syria.

Three days ago, the "conquest" of the North-medium-Syrian city of ar-Raqqah. Is explained by the Syrian government with the defeat of the rebels in Damascus and Aleppo. Among the refugees from the region of Aleppo and Idlib unnoticed militants were mixed. In fact, the population seems to be swollen by refugees there to several hundred thousand (800,000; other sources cite figures of 1.5 million people). Moreover, it came under the security for the city officials, partly for treason, as Syrian sources.

Already reach us the "usual" disgusting Images: Captured young men are gunned down in mass executions of the fanatics among Alahuakbar shrill calls. (more ...)