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Grass-poem. Or: No longer with the U-boat an oasis of comfort

Friday, 06 April, 2012.

The former head of the Mossad, Meir Dagan, has been warning for months publicly against an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. He hopes to prevent a catastrophe: "You have to think about what happens after that day." An attack was terrible for Israel, a disaster of unimaginable proportions. (See. Spiegel 45/2001, p 110.)

The Nobel Günther Grass also gave the public a certain extent the day after. His "poem", actually a brief analysis, a document of great concern for world peace is also a proof that a friend in the public's patience finally ran out. For Grass is to thank.

A few days ago, the leaders of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) had in New Delhi on their annual summit urged to set the threats of war against Iran and Syria. They support the embargo policy against Iran and the escalation of pro-violence rhetoric and called for not giving a compromise and dialogue space.

For months, specifically for years, war scenarios military action is mainly in the US, but also by the German media discussed named favorable time frame for a first strike, called for, demanded. Foreign Policy magazines, thinking tanks and experts want to make the unthinkable seem feasible and possible, the last dead point that was brought to Israel in game computed, all 300 (!) To be accepted killed in a strike against Iran. The war players always hide it in their sandboxes but the possibilities of a domino effect in the Middle East, in which all voltages old scores could be unloaded and - more importantly - the unpredictable dynamics of war in a Russian intervention or even China. (more ...)