With 'retention' tagged articles

Football Championship: Everything about?

Monday, June 25, 2012

German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) is all the rage: Football is no longer just a nice, involving fighting, but ultimately unimportant game, but highly political state business: Friedrich turned demonstratively protectively national player Mesut Ozil, who was vulnerable to attack on the Internet unprotected , He condemned the racist Internet propaganda against the national team as "disgusting" and called for solidarity with all our players.

Since the German "summer fairy tale" 2006 in Germany a form of patriotism approved and publicly funded up to the Debilitätsgrenze: the German football nationalism. The emotional appeal is made ​​with all kinds of black, red and yellow jester costumes, plastic-frills and plenty of alcohol feeding, public Glotzing does the rest. (more ...)

Beneficiaries of the Norwegian attacks and responses from the "Manifesto 2083 ..."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No sooner are the dead of the Norwegian attacks buried, the first politicians to make already receivables and seek capital from the terrible event to beat: First and foremost Hans-Peter Uhl (CSU) and the German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, which the prohibited by the Federal Constitutional Court reintroduction of suspicion-less data storage demand.

"In the run-up to the monitoring of Internet traffic and telephone calls must be possible. Only if the investigators can track the communications in the planning of attacks, they can thwart such acts and protect people, "said Uhl (CSU) yesterday, the" Passauer Neue Presse. " (more ...)

Terror: The list of demands

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Diffuse terrorist threats, evidence of knowledge, dark secrets, rumors of intelligence, warning and alarm everywhere. Anxiety and fear stoke - everyday life exercise, hysteria replaced mind, decency and propriety. The public terror duration foam fights allow crimes, so they make it a breeze:

In March of this year, a desperate junkie entered a Bonn-based bank with a home-made bomb makeshift dummy (GA Bonn, 19.11.2010). He put the Bastelwerkstatt on the table with the words "You know what that is!" And - yes, you knew what it was: a terrorist attack, of course. Then they gave the drug addicts hastily 2000 euros, the man took off. How long will the fake bomb stayed there on the bank counter and how many hours they kept employees, customers and police in breathing, is not known.

Now the man was condemned by the Bonn district court because of "severe extortion" to 2 years and 4 months in prison. Civil society in Germany is presently facing also a serious and persistent extortion exposed not only to bomb mockups of all sorts of whimsical folk, 80-year-laws , etc. sent round, intelligence shopkeepers, intelligence officers in world history, but also daily, almost hourly sounded warnings: Warnings for vigilance, warnings, alerts and warnings not to not more, etc. The effect: Many people can no longer - so they avoid even thinking. Even the police wets. (more ...)

Thoughts on dealing with forest fires and "society fires"

Friday 03 April 2009

In the southern Mediterranean countries, there are - who has not heard of it - a serious problem: Forest fire hazard, especially in the extremely dry summer months.

Not always, however, these disasters are caused by carelessly discarded cigarettes or heated glass bottles: Very often, the fires are conspicuous systematically placed in several places almost simultaneously. A single pyromaniac can cause huge damage and forces for days in a "hot" entangle spectacle. Often, however, it turned out afterwards that not only the fire devil had gone through a bad guy, but that were tangible interests are at stake. (more ...)