Answer: eastward. Therefore you have to get acquainted with the phenomenon of jet stream or jet stream: For our northern hemisphere polar jet stream or Polarfrontjetstream is (PFJ) prevail. The beam current is a strong wind band, which occurs more or less close to the Tropic of Cancer.
He is a west wind, because it comes from the West and go east. Aircraft use the jet to Kraftstoffersparen.
In this graph, the California Regional Weather Server, you can see how the North Pacific jet stream is moving across the Pacific Ocean on the west coast of the United States and in which states he first arrives about.
Here a weather model with wind forecast of It illustrates how the possible exposure to radioactivity carrying jet moving from west to east. Over the North Atlantic, he seems to be getting somewhat split into a northern portion, which attracts more about Scandinavia and a southerly flow, which moves across North Africa. Central Europe, Germany remains a little left out.
In the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (Vienna) can also be a wealth of data, graphics and information relating to the expected distribution of radioactivity retrieve . Forecasts are updated constantly. (more ...)