On April 23, 2012 article went online in which I. the largest donations and campaign machine in the world, Avaaz (currently about 16 million "members"), previously unknown unearthed The article as popular as ever.
Recently I stumbled upon a statement of the Syrian Ukrainian journalist Ankhar Kochneva that had a strange encounter with the Avaaz campaign director Stefanie Brancaforte in Moscow.
However, in order: Ankhar Kochneva is living in Damascus, Arabic-speaking free Journalstin, which also leads to your blog (s). She traveled widely in Syria, in particular to obtain information about the rebel militias. That earned her a repeated death threats. Through their language skills Kochneva could win a lot more insight than many Western journalists. In addition, she gave Russia Today (RT) twice an interview, where you can see many details and information you will not find elsewhere.
In an interview on 8 July 2012 in RT she explains, among other things, how it came to the Syrian refugees in Turkey: Rebel channeled the inhabitants of towns fought to Turkey by cutting them off to other roads. (Normally they would have tried to find shelter with relatives). Kochneva reports of blatant human rights violations by the rebel militias such as kidnapping and torture even in children, assassinations of Christian priests and even a mufti-son etc. (more ...)