In zeitgeist ( Print as online) multiple abiotic or biotic contributions to the theory of the origin of hydrocarbons (oil, gas, coal) have been published. The aim was to discuss the question of whether we really have to do it with a looming shortage or rather a "threatened" shortage.
Recently, yours truly had tried me and the readers of the article "Are we all hostage of 'Peak Oil'?" ( Part 1 and Part 2 ) and the report: "Secret holes: Run on non-konvenionelles gas in detschland has already begun" to provide an overview of the current state of affairs.
The representatives of the fossil, so the biotic Enststehungsteorie our energy reserves, bring them as one of their main arguments, that it will not succeed for some time to discover truly great oil and gas deposits. The funding will also more complicated and more expensive.
In the linked articles I had already given some examples that this statement is only partly agree: (more ...)