Katrin Goering Eckardt and elite networks

Katrin Göring-Eckhardt, the new open-top together with Trittin - whenever a person is hyped suddenly talk of a new center, black-green, of the possibility that the Thuringian (as President of the Evangelical Church Synod, Member the Council of the EKD and as President of the Protestant Church in 2011) now also the Christian conservatives would raise, you should at least consider that the media coverage could also have something to do with coverage through networks.

I noticed the star in the hands (48/2012, S. 46), an interview with her:

Question: "You were on the board of such influential conservative as the Atlantic Bridge."

Answer: "I'm with a few other Greens in the Atlantic Bridge, because we said, We will not leave the other. But this is of no great significance. I've never been at a meeting. I am at best a silent member. "

Without meaning? Goring-Eckard doing so, as if one could just so could be elected to the board of the Elite Network. The Green sat for years on the board of Atlantic Bridge (at least until 2010) , and they will have hardly noticed?

How credible is that?

In Abgeordnetenwatch some citizens have nachgehakt :

Dear Ms. Goering-Eckardt,

Thanks for the clarifying words to your membership in the club Atlantik-Brücke. Is the information from Wikipedia that you are involved on the board of Atlantic Bridge, and how you think is it there (at Wikipedia and on the website of the Atlantic Bridge) called constellation of personalities from business and politics to be assessed?

With kind regards
Hartwig Ammann

Dear Mr. Ammann,

it is true that I have been elected a few years ago to the board of Atlantik-Brücke eV. There are people involved in politics, business and many other areas of society. The bipartisan cooperation is a sign of the importance Atlantic friendship.

With best regards
Katrin Göring-Eckardt

Dear Honourable Member Göring-Eckardt,

They wrote on 11/05/09 overlooking your unspecified activity for the "Atlantic Bridge":
"Without the power of former bridge builder we would not have today, where we are."

Did you order from .. as "globalization", the moral and financial crisis, Afghanistan?

What do you do on the "bridge" quite specifically for the citizens, which you are supposed to represent?

And what do you mean by "times of upheaval in American politics", what with the "special significance" for you?

And finally: Do you remember how the axis uttered the slogan: "Learning from the Soviet Union, ie learning how to win"?

With best regards
W. Meissner

Dear Mr. Meissner,

good transatlantic relations are essential. Only together will be possible in the era of globalization, to meet challenges such as climate change or the economic crisis. Transatlantic relations must also strengthen multilateralism. It is desirable that use the USA in this sense for a strong United Nations and other international institutions capable of action. A strong UN reform will be possible only with the consent of the United States. Without a viable UN there will be no effective multilateralism and no global progress in securing peace and development. The UN must be the central place where EU and USA pull together to tackle global crisis missions and peacekeeping mission. With Barack Obama, a rethinking of the USA in terms of multilateralism and a realignment especially in the human rights policy suggests. This is very welcome.

With best regards,
Office Katrin Göring-Eckardt

Three years ago, the politician had therefore already admitted that they had been elected to the board of Atlantic Bridge, why now so hesitant?

The star also asked about a neoliberal think tank called "Research Institute Future of Work" , where it is listed as "Policy Fellow", ie as a policy fellow.

Göring-Eckardt replied: "No, if the advertise with me, that's a bit strong! I do not know which of them have never heard of.



In fact, it looks as if the name of the Greens from the list of policy scholars have been deleted, but they will be in the search box still in connection with "Policy Fellow" and "Personal" on.

The question is, why Göring-Eckardt are so hesitant about their membership in elite networks information.

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2 Responses to "Katrin Goering Eckardt and elite networks"

  1. It is clear that without the connection to these networks of Americans can no what are with us. And especially welcome are college dropouts and people with any blemish, with which you can make them tractable. An independent thinker is there not desired - the only way to the colonial status of the remaining residue of Germany between the Rhine and the Oder perpetuate. Who thus does not resign, will be destroyed in the "struggle against right", in which the Goring-E. represented "church" yes particularly excels! Apparently it is the "liaison" of the Atlantic bridge to this "church" as suggests their accumulation of offices. Since you have everything "in a bag" - sort of a "complete menu", served fresh for the interests of US-globalists!

  2. klean says:

    In addition, it may be this statement within a question and answer session with the Greens on the occasion of standing for primary election candidates quite revealing - in summary I would (not talking to the citizens existent) probably get unbiased information from my rant sports club:
    "I am, like some other GREEN, Member of the Association Atlantic Bridge. The Atlantic Bridge is a club that - as enshrined in its Constitution - is intended to promote international understanding. It is a registered association which operates on the basis of the club right (so that is as democratic as a sports club o. Etc..) And conferences and background briefings on foreign policy issues, particularly on transatlantic relations operates. These are topics that are important to us GREEN and to which we should keep talking with journalists, people from the business and political competitors inside, in this or in other fora. It makes no sense in any event, leave it to one side a certain political "camp" to. Those who want to get a picture, can, rather than relying only on Wikipedia, simply download the annual report on the website of the Atlantic Bridge. "
    Source: Katrin Göring-Eckardt

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