The former head of Mossad, Meir Dagan, has been warning for months publicly against an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. He hopes to prevent a catastrophe: "You have to think about what happens after day." An attack was terrible for Israel, a disaster of unimaginable proportions. (Cf.. Spiegel 45/2001, p 110)
The Nobel Günther Grass also gave the public a certain extent the day after. His "poem", actually a short analysis, a document of great concern for world peace is also a proof that a friend in the public's patience finally ran out. For Grass is to thank.
A few days ago, the leaders of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) were in New Delhi at their annual summit urged to set the threats of war against Iran and Syria. They support the embargo policy against Iran and the escalation of pro-violence rhetoric and called for not to give a compromise and dialogue space.
For months, more precisely, for years, war scenarios, military action is mainly in the United States, but also by the German media discussed, named favorable time window for a first strike, called for, demanded. Foreign Policy magazines, thinking tanks and experts want to make the unthinkable thinkable and possible appear, the last dead point, which was brought to Israel in game calculated, all 300 (!) Intolerable killed in a strike against Iran. The war players always hide it in their sand boxes but the possibilities of a domino effect in the Middle East, in which all the voltages old scores could be unloaded and - more importantly - the unpredictable dynamics of war in a Russian intervention, or even China.
Is surprising that the media actually surprised that here Someone once raised his voice, not just the usual applied users in the comments function under such articles.
It was and is this activity illegal under international law not only wars of aggression itself, in particular the preparation thereof are outlawed. As an excuse for this breach of laws and conventions must the threat of supposedly "new Hitler from Tehran", is said to have threatened Israel with extinction again and again to serve.
People justify the bellicose rhetoric and warmongering with this (alleged) Iranian threats, of course, have their version cling like shipwrecked on a wooden beam. They are the wooden beams not let go, even if you told them that other translations are that the Zionist regime and not the state was meant to be with this utterance of the "Madman of Tehran". You will continue to dig in the bar, even if you daraufhinwiese that has the "new Hitler" a good chance to be voted out soon in his home.
To the moronic and unconscionable war propaganda relevant personalities with a certain radius public have been silent for far too long in Germany. The related failure of the elites in Germany and their cowardice is a subject in itself. Grass that this silence finally broke, the beginning and made his fame threw into the ring, he deserves thanks.
Grass is in good company: He takes the side of those Israelis who own government has become scary and for which survival instincts rain: Recently launched a young Israeli a Facebook campaign "Israel-loves-Iran", "Iranians we will never bomb your country. We love you "(see figure above).
The Israeli graphic designer Ronny Edry had enough of the war rhetoric of his government and triggered a avalanche, which is becoming increasingly popular. Approximately 57,000 people have joined his campaign since the end of March and it is growing every day. And above all: more and more Iranians respond and establish a dialogue. It is this dialogue is denied by the officials. For Bibi Netanyahu is now no easier to maintain by the ongoing civil campaign, he spoke for all Israelis.
However, Grass's criticism goes against the double standards, public hypocrisy and permanent, by default assumed particularly in Germany perception disorders: Here uncounted, no international inspection ever bothered actual nuclear weapons to zero topic be made, there is that of the U.S. intelligence agencies only recently again denied the existence of an Iranian bomb the breaking point and simply taken are an opportunity to see reason kidney over the world on fire. It signed the Iran in 1968, a year before the Federal Republic of Germany, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel has never done that, along with India, Pakistan and North Korea.
Grass it does not want to make more easy. In Germany it is called for years simply silent when again pending a submarine deal and just say that just ruling Israeli government is identical with Israel or the Israeli people per se. A monolith. Not open to criticism. The areas of the German history and of Germany in particular "responsibility".
The truth is simple: If you take responsibility, you are rational, forward-looking, considering the end, warns, if necessary, or has no tolerance at all. If not, then is the alleged "responsibility" a rhetorical flourish that you can smoke through the pipe, or just one of possibly only feigned by Henryk Broder identified "wellness oasis" interest and sympathy, even self-adulation.
Grass is to thank for that he obviously real responsibility and not only trite verbal takes over and the provided in Germany Spanking plugging. However, of those who stand on the side of the irresponsible Netanyahu, not of those who are on the side of Meir Dagan and Ronny Edry.
The embarrassing German pack journalism still has not noticed that the beautiful, simple equation no longer comes up: arms exports, nuclear-capable submarines, beautifully simple paid by German taxpayers with the beautifully simple reference to the special German responsibility ... brain death in Germany, in the Middle East but may really deadly. Namely, when the German policy will continue to engage with their (nuclear capable) submarines in their oases of comfort.
From there it was on the subject of the usual: too lazy to think, irrelevant unit opinion, Empörungsrituale, word bubbles.
Grass is for razor. One may hope that it will be more in Germany. For the experiment, the world and also to save the peace especially Israel, it should be worthwhile to insert a beating, even if it's not get thanked and is assigned to the A-word. A - like anti-Semitism or even just Amargeddon ...
Grass's poem in full:
"Why I am silent, keep silent for too long,
what is obvious and in simulations
was practiced at the end as survivors
We are at best footnotes.
It is the alleged right of the first strike,
of the subjugated by a braggart
and directed to organized cheers
Iranian people could wipe out,
because in the sphere of construction
a bomb is suspected.
But why I say to myself,
to mention that other country by name,
in the years since - albeit kept secret -
a growing nuclear capabilities available
but out of control, because no test
is available?
The general concealment of this fact,
which my silence has subordinated,
I find onerous lie
and coercion, punishment is in view,
as soon as it is disregarded;
the verdict of "anti-Semitism" is familiar.
But now, because, from my country
of the innate crimes,
which are without comparison,
Time is obtained by time and taken to task,
turn and purely commercial basis, albeit
declared with nimble lip as restitution,
another submarine to Israel
should be delivered, whose specialty
consists in all-destroying warheads
there to steer, where the existence
is a single atomic bomb unproven,
but wants to be a fear of probative value,
I say what must be said.
But why I kept silent so far?
Because I believed my origin,
which implies the risk of never tilgendem blemish,
forbid this fact as pronounced truth
the land of Israel, to whom I am indebted
and will remain, be expected.
Why do I say now only
aged, and with the last ink:
The nuclear-armed Israel at risk
the already fragile world peace?
Because it must be said,
what might be too late tomorrow;
also because we - as a German burdened enough -
Suppliers of a crime could be,
is predictable, which is why our complicity
by any of the usual excuses
would be repaid.
And added: I am silent no longer,
because I was the hypocrisy of the West
'm tired; Moreover, it is hoped,
there may be many rid of silence,
the cause of the apparent risk
request to renounce violence and
also insist
there is an unobstructed and continuous monitoring
the Israeli nuclear potential
and the Iranian nuclear facilities
by an international body
is approved by the governments of both countries.
Only in this way is all the Israelis and Palestinians,
more, all the people in this
from delusional occupied region
live cheek by jowl enemies
and, ultimately, to help us. "
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Tags: Grass poem in the text , Günther Grass , Israel , Meir Dagan , Netanyahu , submarines
[...] Quote: "To the moronic and unscrupulous propaganda war (against Iran) have been silent for far too long in Germany relevant personalities with a certain radius public. The related failure of the elites in Germany and their cowardice is a subject in itself. Grass made that this silence finally broke, the beginning and threw his fame in the ring, he deserves thanks. "See full article click here [...]
A really detailed article. I am originally from Gdansk and love Grass therefore particularly fond of. Regards. I'll look at this website in greater detail.
thank you I can never find the poem in free www ... Will be here more often now, on the hunt for answers